How to Instantly Fix a Dent in Your Pool Cue Shaft

Imagine you’re at a pool hall and you get a dent in your shaft. You don’t have your local cue repair shop nearby to fix it for you, so what do you do?

Well, it’s actually quite an easy fix when you have the right tool. The right tool in this instance is the “Billiards and Darts Direct $2 Dent Buffer.”

Yes, that’s right, it’s just an average, everyday beer bottle. That’s all you need and luckily, you should have plenty nearby if you’re at an average pool hall.

If you do this technique properly, you can take the dent out of your cue almost perfectly. Of course, this fix is not quite as good as what an actual cue repair shop will be able to offer, but it’s pretty close!

The science behind this is like this: Glass is extremely hard and the wood is very soft. The dent is like a crater and we’re essentially going to push it back to it’s original form using this beer bottle.

Take the cue in one hand and the bottle in the other and begin to rub the bare glass of the beer bottle on your cue right at the spot where it’s dented. Do this for 20 to 30 seconds, until you begin to notice that the dent has vanished.

You’ll want to apply a decent amount of pressure (but obviously, not so much pressure that the cue snaps in half). If you do it right, the cue will look like new and the dent will be history!


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