There are many factors to consider when choosing home arcade cabinets.
Today, home arcade cabinets come in three main types: full-size, cocktail-table, and bartop.
Choosing Home Arcade Cabinets
Have you ever gone to the arcade and wished that you had your very own arcade cabinet at home?
That dream can now be a reality, AND you can have the best of both worlds.
You can play all your favorite arcade games in a real cabinet, at home, on a high quality digital screen with incredible sound.
Full Size Arcade Cabinets for Home
Stand-up full-size home arcade cabinets are exactly like the ones in professional arcades and feature authentic joysticks and heavy-duty buttons.
These full size cabinets have high resolution widescreen monitors, amplified digital sound, custom lighting, and optional trackball controls.
The cabinets come in both 2 player and 4 players configurations.
Arcade Cocktail Tables for Home
Cocktail home arcade cabinet tables accommodate two players in either a head-to-head or side-by-side configuration.
Cocktail arcade tables feature a large game library, widescreen monitors, digital sound, optional trackball controls, and double as a small table.
Bar-Top Arcade Cabinets for Home
Bartop home arcade cabinets are the smallest cabinets available and typically sit on the table top so you can either stand or sit while playing with friends.
Bartop cabinets are designed for two players, feature many of the same options as larger cabinets, and are small enough to be stored in a closet.
Choosing YOUR Home Arcade Cabinets
If you are in the market for an arcade cabinet of any size, stop by our Billiards Direct pool and billiards shop in San Diego and play a few free games, or visit us online at
We would be happy to help you select the perfect arcade cabinet for YOU!