Learn How to Score Darts

Learn How to Score Darts

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Scoring in darts can seem overwhelming but Billiards Direct can help you learn how to score darts.

Below, we’ve outlined the Basic Rules for how to score darts; once you understand these basic rules, then you’re ready to try other dart games like Cricket, Darts 301, or Baseball Darts. 

We’re throwing three differently-colored darts, but traditionally, your three darts all have the same color.

Scoring Darts – Single Points

A dartboard is evenly divided into 20 segments, and each segment on a dartboard has a corresponding Segment Number, from 1 to 20.

The Segment Number is located at the outer edge of the dartboard, and it’s used for totaling up how many points the segment is worth.

If your dart lands in either of the two large spaces of a segment, that is considered a Single score. 

Single Segment Score - How to Score Darts
Darts that land in these areas are worth 1x the number written above its segment

For our example throw, we hit the large segment which has a score of 18, so we got 18 points for our first throw.

How to Score Darts – Double Points

The ring along the outer edge of the dartboard is the Double Ring.

Double Ring - How to Score Darts
Darts that land in this outer ring are worth 2x the number written above its segment

Any shots that land inside a section of the Double Ring will count for double the segment number indicated at the top of that segment.

In this example, the dart landed within the Double Ring of a segment with a value of 13.

So, that means our second dart is worth 26 points, or “Double 13”, depending on the game type you’re playing. 

We derived our score of 26 by taking the segment number of 13, and multiplying it by two, which is the multiplier for any shot that hits a Double Ring section.

How to Score Darts – Triple Points

The inner ring on a dart board is situated between the outer ring and the Bullseyes, and it is called the Treble Ring.

Any shots that land in the Treble Ring count for triple the number of points in that segment.

Treble Ring - How to Score Darts
Darts that land in this inner ring are worth 3x the number written above its segment

In our example image above, the dart has landed in the inner ring, which is also called the Treble Ring.

The inner-ring area where our dart landed is located within a segment with a value of 15, which means this dart is worth 45 points.

We derive our score of 45 by taking our segment number of 15, and multiplying it by 3, because all Treble Ring segments are worth 3x its segment number.

Single, Double, & Treble Zones

How to Score Darts - What do The Zones Mean?
For the above-example game of darts we played, our darts scored a total of 89 points (18 + 26 + 45)

Let’s review the three zones of the dart board that we’ve hit, thus far:

  1. Our first dart hit the large, open segment of the 18, which got us a score of Single 18 (18 points).
  2. Our second dart his the outer-ring segment of the 13, and since that section belongs to the Double Ring, we get to multiply our segment’s number by 2, so we got a Double 13 (26 points).
  3. Our third, and final, imaginary, steel-tip dart hit the inner-ring segment of the 15, and that section is the Treble Ring which means we multiply our score by 3, which results in a Treble 15 (45 points)

How to Score Darts – Both Bullseyes

You read that right, there are actually two bullseyes on every dartboard, even on professional dartboards, like the Winmau Blade 6.

How To Score Bullseyes in Darts
Landing in a Single Bullseye is 25 points, and a Double Bullseye is 50 points

The Single Bullseye is the area surrounding the smallest circle on the dartboard; darts which land in the “Single Bullseye” are worth 25 points

The Double Bullseye is the smallest circle, located at the exact center of the board; darts which land in the “Double Bullseye” are worth 50 points.

How Score Darts – The Easy Way

While it is possible to keep score the old-fashioned paper and pencil and calculator method, modern technology has supplied an easier solution for scoring darts: automatic-scoring online dartboards.

These dartboards connect to their special app on your phone, so you can keep score quickly and easily.

Some electronic dartboards are even set up to offer tips on how to improve as you play.

Having the app do all the math also frees the player up to focus on their shots instead of keeping score.

Darts Dartboards for Sale
Electronic Dartboards Keep Score for You

Some online dartboards for sale even feature companion dart scoring apps that can communicate with the dart board in order to make scoring darts completely automatic.

Get Better at Scoring Darts

If you would like help selecting a dart scoring app, or would like to know more about darts in general, please visit our website www.BilliardsDirect.com, or stop by our Billiards Direct showroom in La Mesa, CA. Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to help you on your path to becoming a darts master.

Be sure to check out our fulls selection of Darts for Sale at Billiards Direct, and San Diego residents can view our Steel-Tipped Darts & Soft Tipped Darts, in person, as well as ask us any dart-scoring questions.

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